10 Basic Applications of Computer in various fields & its Features

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Do you know the Uses or applications of Computer in different fields? If you do not know, then in this article you will get complete information about the uses or applications of computer.

In today’s time, there is no such place where we would not have use of computers. The computer has become a part of our life. Computers are used in different places like homes, government organizations, research centers, education centers, business fields, medical fields, Agricultural fields, military fields, etc. Generally, computers are used everywhere from small size to large size computers.

Everyone uses the computer according to their work. That’s why computers are used everywhere for different tasks. Let us know where the computer is used and what kind of work it does.

10 Basic Applications of Computer

You must have known about what is Computer Fundamentals. If you do not know then, first learn about the basic knowledge of computers. We have told about basic computer details in that post. Also we have already told you the full form of the computer

C- Common

O- Operating

M- Multi

P- purpose

U- Used for

T- Trade

E- Education

R- Research

This computer’s full form shows that a computer is generally used in the fields of business, education, and research. Apart from this, we will also know about the computer and where we use it in today’s post. So, without delay, know 10 applications of computer in various fields.

Uses of Computer at Home

In today’s time, everyone has a computer in their home. Home computers are used for multitasking. Like if the computer is run by the parents, then they do their office work, bill payment, send mail, do their official work, etc.

If children and students operate computers at home, they do school assignments, play games, watch movies and songs, use the Internet and post photos or videos on social media, and learn to program. Therefore, the computer used in the home is for many purposes.

Due to the Corona crisis, many office employees are doing their office work through computers sitting at home. Nowadays computers are helping in a way to complete the office work at home.

Uses of Computer in business

In today’s time, it is the desire of every businessman that he should increase his business as much as possible and bring it online. By doing this the import, export, transaction, etc. all increase in the business. The computer is helpful to handle all these things properly.

Nowadays, a business can be done without a computer. Fields like sales and marketing, retailing, banking, and stock trading are growing very fast. Therefore, it is very important for the employees of every business organization to understand the customer and have good marketing knowledge as well as knowledge of computer technology.

In earlier times, marketing of the business was done by putting up posters, but in today’s time, everything has gone online. Therefore, an internet facility is needed to grow the business by doing online marketing. Also, the internet does not work without computers and mobile.

Now that is not the era where people roam around with money in their hands and do shopping. Everything has changed, Debit cards, internet banking, electronic deposit, bill paying, and online stock are being used for money transactions. Today online shopping has become like a shop for people.

So, Nowadays to grow a small or large business a computer must be needed.

Uses of computer in school

Education is something that everyone from children to old age wants to get. There is no age to achieve this. In earlier times, everyone used to get education from books, notes, newspapers, etc. In school, teachers used to teach students on the blackboard. But as the days passed, technology started changing.

When the corona epidemic came, all schools, colleges, and other education centers were closed. Then the recommendations of the rules of the Government started online classes. Everyone started using the internet with computers. In such a situation, the examinations of schools and colleges also started online.

Earlier, there was an offline Examination for any Government job. There was a chance of being a lot of mistakes but now it on online. which is called a computer-based test.

Research has shown that most students prefer to get knowledge online. That’s why they all spend 10 to 15 hours a day on the computer or mobile. In today’s time, everything is found on the internet. Everyone wants to find the answer to his question by searching on YouTube and Google.

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The way of learning and teaching has been improved with audio-visual effects. Which is called Computer Aided Learning (CAL). In which teachers teach their lessons to students in PowerPoint. The projector is used to show this PowerPoint to the students.

Apart from this, the computer is also useful for keeping records of students, keeping important school records, sending fee payment notices online, managing accounts, and creating a class-wise curriculum. So, computers have played an important role in improving the education system.

Uses of computer in bank

Earlier everything was kept in a register in the bank. Which would wear off after a few years. But as technology changed, computers started to be used in the bank. Nowadays many software has been developed which can be used for online transactions. Let us know how computers are used in the banking sector.

Nowadays, due to the availability of computers and the internet in the bank, it takes very less time to open a customer’s account. So that the customer can get his account number as soon as possible. Although every bank tries its best to provide good facilities to its customers.

For the feature, the record of the customer’s transaction is saved using the computer in the bank. If a wrong transaction is done from the customer’s account, then this saved record is useful in refunding it.

In 2014, when Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana was started, only then the bank open one of its mini branches in everyone’s Gram panchayat. So that all the villages can get the facility of the bank. That mini bank was named as Kiosk Center or Customer Service Center.

In that center, a computer, passbook printer, microatm, etc. have been given by the bank. So that the customer can do transactions from their accounts and use all the services of the bank.

All of you must have used ATM. ATM gives 24*7 service to all of you. These ATMs are also made from computers. Therefore, the computer is the most essential device for the banking sector.

Uses of Computer in Hospital

In the olden days, doctors used to cure patients by making medicines from herbs. Which used to take a lot of time. Medical science had not developed so much at that time. When there was an epidemic, many people lost their lives. But there was no cure for that epidemic.

But in today’s time computer has completely changed medical science. The use of computers has increased in hospitals, labs, and dispensaries everywhere. Apart from this, medicines of different compositions are made by researching through computer. Medicine stock and patient records are kept digitally stored in the computer in the hospital.

Let us know where the computer is used in the medical sector.

  • Patient monitoring Computer
  • Surgery
  • X-rays and CT (Computed Tomography) scanning
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
  • Spectroscopy
  • Medical Research
  • Store data and records of patients and medicine
  • Diagnostic Databases

Uses of computer in military field

In today’s time, no one would be a bigger fool than a country that wants to protect its country without using computer technology. Because all the weapons of today are computerized. Tanks, missiles, weapons, fitter jets, and all the equipment used in the military are controlled by the computer.

Detecting the missile coming from the enemy destroys them in the air and this has been possible with this computer technology. There is also considerable contribution in Situational Awareness and Communications/Battle Management Systems.

The computer helps in sending information about the end of any material or weapon in the war zone to the military base. Also, it is used in tanks, planes, and ships so that they can easily attack enemies.

Uses of computer in Government office

The computer is an integral part of government work. You must have heard about Digital India which is the mission of all Indians. In today’s time, there will not be a single government office where the computer is not being used. From Gram panchayat, Block Office, Tashil Office, Collector Office, to Secretariat, whatever government work is done, everything is done by computer.

Below I have mentioned some government organizations where computers are used.

  • Income tax department
  • Transport Department
  • Agriculture department
  • Rural development
  • Whether forecasting department
  • Land revenue department

Uses of computer in science or research

Computers are already used in the field of science or research. The world’s scientists are able to send satellites into space using computers and control them by staying on the earth. In today’s time, scientists keep doing some research and when they are successful, they present the thing to the world. This is possible due to computer technology.

Before there used to be floods or earthquakes, scientists did not have any information about it. Due to this many people died and there was a lot of damage. Because the technology was not so advanced at that time. But today if any flame pressure or any incident is going to happen then everyone is fully aware of it. On all new channels, that news reaches everyone as soon as possible.

Weather science keeps all the information about the weather. When will it rain, how hot will it be in the summertime and where will the snowfall, all this information already resides in the weather forecasting center.

All this has been possible because of computer technology.

Uses of computer in Entertainment

Entertainment is one of the most essential things in our life. Without it, our life would have passed through sorrows. All the effects we see in Movies, Videos, and Songs are computerized. Meaning without the application of the computer, doing all the graphics, animation, and slow motion is negligible.

All of you must have seen Bahubali, Iron Man, Super Man, Avatar, Avenger, Thor, Hulk, etc. Movies and must have been very happy. All these movies are made from a type of computer software, which is known as VFX. Its full form is virtual effects.

The cartons that children see are also made by the software of computer. Nowadays many mobile games are developed like, PUBG, Call of Duty, Sniper, and Racing games. This game is also made from the computer platform itself.

Nowadays, everything is done through mobile and computer, like hotel booking, ticket booking and everything happens. This shows how fast the use of computers is increasing.

Uses of computer in Industry

Computers are widely used in industries. For example, computer-controlled robots are used to assemble cars in the automobile industry. All the cars and bikes that are developed today have many features in them, they are operated by computers. All cars and bikes and trucks have become automatic. There are many sensors in it.

Nowadays computer operated machines are used in all industries so that all the work can be done easily and in time.

For Example Textile industry, Electronic industry, Tile industry, Automobile industry, etc.

Features of Computer

  • You can collect any data from the internet through a computer, store it and change your instructions.
  • The data stored in the computer is stored securely for a long period of time.
  • Today, you can easily apply for any type of form or any video conference sitting at home with the help of the computer.
  • Nowadays, the computer is very useful for earning money online, today many people are working through computers on blogging and YouTube and are earning lakhs of rupees.


Uses of computer everywhere, whether it is in the form of machines or robots. There will be no such place where the computer is not being used. With its use, all the work can be done in a simple and easy way. Today we have told you about 10 important applications of computer in various fields where the computer is used through this article.

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