7 Important Types of Network Protocol | Importance of Network Protocol

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Do you know about network protocol? Do you know about the importance of network protocol in computer network and their types? If not then this article is for you. In this article, you will get information about the protocol in detail. After that, you don’t need to go anywhere.

In today’s time on the Internet, everyone is able to communicate with each other, this is possible only because of the network protocol. Protocols decide how data will be transmitted, received, and processed from one device to another. Network protocols play a vital role in performing all these tasks efficiently and reliably.

Each protocol used in the network has a different function. So let us know what is network protocol, importance of network protocol and its types.

What is Network Protocol?

The network protocol is a set of rules for formatting and processing data. It is a digital language through which we communicate with others on the internet.

In short, Protocol is a set of mutually accepted and implemented rules at both ends of the communications channel for the proper exchange of information.

By adopting these rules, the devices can communicate with each other and exchange information. Here you can find a detailed description of the protocol and its types.

A networking protocol is a set of rules to govern the data transfer between devices. The rules are used for the following purpose.

  • For compressing the data
  • Sending device to indicate that it has finished sending a message.
  • Receiving device to indicate that it has received a message.

Importance of Network Protocol in Computer Network

Have you ever wondered how information is transmitted through the Internet? How do networking devices connect and communicate seamlessly with each other? This is possible through network protocols. It is a set of rules that ensure smooth communication and data exchange between devices on a network.

If the network does not have a protocol, then computers or networking devices cannot connect to each other and if all these devices are not connected to each other then nothing can be done on the Internet.

Due to the presence of the network protocol, the data that is sent from the source to the destination is safely transferred. When we send data to another device, it is the responsibility of Network protocols to define how data should be transmitted, received, and interpreted.

So, why are network protocols important? Let’s explore:

  • Network protocols establish a common set of rules and standards for communication so that different networking devices can work together smoothly.
  • Protocol helps in efficient and reliable data transfer, reducing delays and ensuring that information reaches its destination intact.
  • It involves providing security of data during the transmission of data packets. It helps in preventing unauthorized access by using encryption protocols like SSL/TLS.
  • Network protocols help in managing network resources effectively. It controls bandwidth, manages network traffic and decides which network to give priority to at what time.
  • Network protocols enable communication with networking devices that are on different types of networks. The TCP/IP protocols are the backbone of the Internet, allowing data to flow seamlessly between networks.
  • Network protocols have diagnostic tools to diagnose and fix network problems. This tool helps to find and resolve connectivity issues in the network.

Types of Network Protocols

There are many services in a computer network and all services have operated by different protocols. So I have explained some important types of network protocol in computer network given below.       


The full form of TCP is called the transmission control protocol. It is a popular communication protocol that separates data into packets that can be distributed over a network. TCP is a connection-oriented protocol and offers end-to-end packet delivery.

It works in conjunction with Internet Protocol. In this protocol, the data packet is received at the destination in the same sequence to which it is sent. If the data packet is lost in the transmission path, then the TCP protocol regenerates that data packet and sends it to the destination.


The full form of IP is Internet Protocol. It is an addressing protocol. It is always used together with TCP. The IP address of packets routes them through different nodes and networks until they reach their final destination. TCP/IP is perhaps the most used standard protocol for connecting computer networks.


The full form of UDP is the User Datagram Protocol. UDP is used by the application which usually transmits a small amount of data. That small application is called a datagram. If some data packet is lost during transfer, then it does not have the ability to regenerate it. So it works tougher with IP protocol.


HTTP stands for Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol. It is used to transfer hypertext between two or more computers. Hypertext is text that is coded using the language called HTML. HTML codes are used to create links. This link may be in any format such as text or graphics.

HTTP is based on client/server principles. HTTP allows a client to establish a connection with a server and make a request. The server accepts the connection initiated by the client and sends back the response. It shows the information on web pages.

The HTTP protocol can be used to transfer data in the form of plain text, hypertext, audio, video, and so on.


FTP is a standard Internet protocol provided by TCP/IP. All files or data can be transferred and copied from one computer to another on the Internet, all that is possible only through FTP protocol.

Through this protocol, we can download files from the Internet and upload the files that we have. That’s why a file server is created to manage all the files in the network.


The full form of SMTP is the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. This protocol is used for sending messages to other computer users based on e-mail addresses. In this protocol, there is a facility here that a single E-mail can be sent to many places, in addition to the message, voice, video, and graphics can also be sent in it.

The main purpose of SMTP is to establish communication rules with the server. They also have a way of handling errors like wrong email addresses. For example, if the email address is wrong, then the server gives an error message.


Telnet is designed for remote access from one system to another. There are many Telnet clients with a user-friendly user interface. Telnet is also known as Terminal Network.


Finally, network protocols serve as the basis for reliable data transmission, ensuring interoperability, increasing network performance, and supporting the development and innovation of networking technologies.

Without network protocols, all these tasks cannot be done very simply. That’s why the importance of network protocol is very high in the network.

In this post, you have to know the importance of Network protocol and their types in computer networks. After reading this, you must have understood how important is the protocol for data communication on the Internet.

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