Differences between HTTP and HTTPs | Is HTTP safer than HTTPs?

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Do you know what is a HTTP and HTTPs? Differences between HTTP and HTTPs protocols and is http safer than https? Today in this article we have tried to give complete information about HTTP and HTTPS. We hope that after reading this, you will get the answer to all your questions related to HTTP and HTTPS.

What is HTTP?

HTTP full form is Hypertext Transfer Protocol, which is the underlying protocol used by the World Wide Web. Port number of HTTP is 80. It defines how messages are formatted and transmitted, and what actions Web servers and browsers should take in response to various commands.

For example, When you type a URL into your browser, it actually sends an HTTP command to the web server instructing it to fetch and transmit the requested web page.

For example


HTTP protocol

The HTTP protocol usually works on the TCP protocol. A question must have come to your mind that HTTP is a protocol and why TCP protocol is used in it. This is because, whenever a file or information is transferred from one client to another, a communication path has to be established, which is possible due to the TCP protocol. Only after that data is communicated through the HTTP protocol.

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This protocol sends information in the form of files like text, audio, video, hypertext, etc. The HTTP protocol is similar to the FTP protocols. Just like file transfer is done in FTP, similarly, it is done in HTTP. But HTTP only uses one connection, which means there is no controlling connection to transfer files.

HTTP and SMTP are similar to transfer data. But the way of transferring data for both is different. In SMTP protocol data is first stored and then forwarded. But in HTTP the data is delivered immediately. one important thing is that HTTP works on the application layer.

What is HTTPs?

The full form of HTTP is Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure. It is more advanced and secure than HTTP. HTTPS uses port number 443 to transmit data. This protocol works in the transport layer. This protocol makes the transaction secure by using SSL (Secure Socket Layer).

Https protocol

The function of HTTP and HTTPs is to connect the web browser to the web server. Nowadays all web servers use HTTPs. You must have noticed that when you search a website from your web browsers like Google Chrome, Internet Explorer or Firefox, then HTTPs is written before the link of that website. This is to provide security to that website. And the website on which HTTP is written, the same looks unsafe.

For example


Features of HTTP

HTTP is a request-response protocol that enables the communication between clients and servers. It defines a set of rules for how clients and servers should format and exchange data.

One of the most important features of HTTP is that it is a stateless protocol. This means that each request is independent of any other request. This makes HTTP very scalable, as servers do not need to maintain complex state information.

Another important feature of HTTP is its support for various types of data formats. HTTP clients and servers can exchange data in various formats, including text, images, video, and JSON. JSON has become the most popular data format for HTTP due to its support for various data types and its easy-to-read syntax.

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Feature of HTTPs

HTTPS is simply HTTP that is secured using Transport Layer Security (TLS). TLS is a protocol that provides confidentiality and data integrity between two communicating applications. When a web browser tries to access a website that is protected by HTTPS, the browser will first establish a secure connection with the web server. Once a secure connection is established, all communication between the browser and the server is encrypted.

HTTPS also provides authentication, which means you can be sure you’re communicating with a known party, not someone trying to impersonate them.

Overall, HTTPS provides a high level of security and protection for both users and websites. It is important to note that while HTTPS is not required for all websites, it is increasingly being used as a best practice for online security.

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Differences between HTTP and HTTPs

Both HTTP and HTTPs work the same, but what is the difference between HTTP and HTTPs let’s know below.

  • http:// is written at the beginning of the HTTP URL. Whereas HTTPs URLs have https:// at the beginning.
  • HTTP is an unsecured browsing protocol whereas HTTPs is a secure protocol.
  • SSL certificate is not used in HTTP protocol because it does not provide security. But the HTTPs protocol does not work without an SSL certificate. It provides security to both the server and the client.
  • The port number of the HTTP protocol is 80. HTTPs port number is 443.
  • HTTP does not improve ranking in Google’s search engine. But HTTPs help to rank in Google search engine. Google started using HTTPs in ranking signals from 2014.
  • The browsing speed of HTTP is faster than HTTPs. But due to SSL certificate in HTTPs, it makes slow in browsing.

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How does HTTP work?

HTTP, or Hypertext Transfer Protocol, is the foundation of the modern web. It’s a set of rules that define how information is exchanged between computers on the internet. When you enter a URL into your web browser, your computer sends a request to a server using HTTP. The server then sends back a response, which includes the content of the requested website. This exchange happens very quickly, and you usually don’t even notice it happening.

HTTP is a simple protocol, but it’s also very versatile. It can be used to request and retrieve just about any type of information from a server. Most websites use HTTP to display web pages and images, but it can also be used to send and receive data such as form submissions, search queries, and file downloads.

HTTP is sometimes referred to as a stateless protocol because each request is independent of all other requests. This means that a server doesn’t need to keep track of any information about past requests in order to process future requests. This makes HTTP very scalable, as it can easily handle large numbers of concurrent requests without running into performance issues.

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How does HTTPs works?

HTTPS is a secure communications protocol that is commonly used on the net. It is the standard for websites that need to transmit sensitive data, such as online banking and online shopping. HTTPS works by encrypting data before it is sent from a user’s computer to a website’s server. This encryption makes it difficult for anyone to intercept and read the data.

To use HTTPS, a website must have a valid SSL certificate. This certificate is used to authenticate the website and generate the encryption key. Once a website has a valid SSL certificate, all data transmitted to and from that website will be encrypted. It helps to keep the data of the users safe from eavesdroppers and hackers. At the time of buying hosting, you also have to buy SSL certificate and install it in your website. Only then the website remains secure.

HTTPS uses a combination of public and private keys to encrypt data before it is transmitted. This ensures that only the client that has received the data will be able to read the data.

HTTPS is a secure communications protocol that is used to transmit data over the internet. It works by encrypting data that is sent between a web server and a web browser, making it more difficult for third parties to intercept and read the data. HTTPS is often used to protect sensitive data, such as login credentials and financial information.

While HTTPS is not required for all websites, it is recommended for any site that transmits sensitive data. Many web browsers will display a warning message if a website is not using HTTPS, and some browsers will even block access to the site altogether.

So how does HTTPS work? When you connect to a site over HTTPS, your web browser will first establish a secure connection with the server. This connection is typically established using the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol.

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Is http safer than https?

No, HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) is not more secure than HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure). HTTPS is generally designed to provide a more secure and encrypted connection than HTTP. Secure is written in the name of HTTPS itself. This helps in securing your site and ranking it in Google. If you want to keep your website secure, then install an SSL certificate so that your website will change from http to https.

So let us know why HTTPS is considered more secure.


Data transferred between the user’s browser and the website is encrypted because of HTTPS. This increases the difficulty of allowing third parties access to sensitive data, such as login passwords, personal information or financial transactions.

Data Integrity

HTTPS ensures data integrity. Which means that the data transferred between the user and the website cannot be altered or corrupted in transit. This protects the data from tampering by third party users.


HTTPS provides authentication. Verifies whether users are connecting to a legitimate website or a fraudulent one. This helps prevent phishing attacks where attackers attempt to trick users into providing sensitive information.

Trust Indicators

Browsers display visual indicators for HTTPS sites, such as a padlock icon or a “secure” label at the start of the browser’s search bar. This helps users identify whether they are browsing from the correct website or not. This makes the user trust the website.

SEO Benefits

Search engines like Google prefer HTTPS websites in search results. Using HTTPS can have a positive impact on a website’s search engine rankings. This helps the web site designer to rank his/her site in Google.

Talking about HTTP, it does not provide encryption, and the data exchanged between the user and the website is transmitted in plain text. It does not provide security or trust in browsing.
As a best practice, websites that handle sensitive information or require user login should implement HTTPS to ensure the privacy and security of their users. Many modern websites have transitioned to HTTPS, and major browsers may display warnings for non-secure HTTP sites to encourage a more secure online environment.

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In this article, we have given complete information about the differences between http and https and is http safer than https? I hope that after reading this you have completely understood HTTP and HTTPS.

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